The division number sentence to express how many fifths make up a whole is 1 divided by 1/5. This can be simplified to 1 ÷ 1/5, which is equivalent to 1 x 5/1. Therefore, the division number sentence is 1 ÷ 1/5 = 5.
What number goes in the box to make the number sentence true?
There is only one way to change a decimal number to a number bigger than it. Any number such as 5821.2347 adding a zero to either end won't make it bigger. The only way is to get a number negative or smaller than 1 but not 0 than making it to the power of 0 can make it one which is bigger.
if its 7*8 change it to 8*7
by equal it wromg
I think you have to equal it wrong?
You just write the same answer 7x8 -Answers.com Group Thank you for chosing us!
it means you have to make it double
To change 7 by 8 to make it a true number sentence, you would need to perform a mathematical operation. One way to do this is by adding 1 to 7, which would make it 8. Therefore, the true number sentence would be 8 = 8.
The two sentences create a logical paradox. The first sentence is false. But that would make it true. But that would make it false. Similar is the Liar's Paradox: A man who always lies says "I am lying." In this case the premise must be false, or the statement cannot be valid.
Put a equal sign at the end
it is not a number sentence because number sentences have to have an answer to make 7x8 a number sentence it has to be 7x8=56
False assumptions should never be made by no one