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oh its quite simple, lets say you have a problem like 12.5 times 2.5 first you would find how much this is which would be 3125. then to find the decimal place, just count how many spaces are in each factor (12.5 and 2.5) as you can see, the decimal in 12.5 is one space that way <. and in 2.5 the decimal is also one space that way <. so how many spaces are there? two spaces! now we go back to 3125. if we were to place the decimal, we would first count up to how many spaces there are to the left (in this case two spaces) then we would go back to our answer and count two spaces to the left: 31.25! we started out with 3125 and to find the decimal place we started before the five and counted two spaces to the left which would be < that way! ta da!

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Q: How can you determine the number of decimal places in your your final answer when multiplying with deciamles?
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When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.

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