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draw the outside angle

if you want to show 270 degrees then you draw a 90 degree angle but draw the circle outside of it

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Q: How can you draw an angle over 180 degrees?
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How do you draw a 180 degree angle?

An angle of 180 degrees is a straight line

Why it makees sense that a straight angle forms a straight line?

If you draw a straight line on a piece of paper and place a protractor over it you will see the reading is 180 degrees. In this sense a straight angle is 180 degrees.

Who to draw complementry angle?

draw 2 angles that add up to 180 degrees

How do you draw an abtuse angle?

obtuse* angles are between 180 degrees and 90 degrees. Straight line and right angle.

What is an over-obtuse angle?

If by over-obtuse, you mean an angle greater than 180 degrees, the answer is that an angle greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees is called a reflex angle.

When you use a protractor to draw an angle that opens to the right degrees should be on the right?

180 degrees

What is a reflex angle greater than?

A reflex angle is 180 degrees or over. An obtuse angle is between 90 and 180 degrees and an acute angle is 90 degrees or less

What is the name of a angle that is bigger then a right angle?

It is an obtuse angle. If it is between 90 degrees and 180 degrees it is obtuse but if it is over 180 it is reflex.

How many degrees are a obtuse angle?

An obtuse angle can be any angle over 90 degrees and below 180 degrees (anything over that is a reflex angle)

Is it possible to draw a quadrilateral with a reflex angle and an obtuse angle?

Yes, it is possible to draw a quadrilateral with a reflex angle and an obtuse angle. A reflex angle measures more than 180 degrees, while an obtuse angle measures between 90 and 180 degrees. To create a quadrilateral with these angles, you can draw a shape with one reflex angle (greater than 180 degrees) and one obtuse angle (between 90 and 180 degrees), along with two acute angles (less than 90 degrees).

What is the name of the angle over 180 degrees?

Straight angle

Is one hundred and eighty angle obtuse or a reflex angle?

It is neither, a 180 degree angle is a straight angle. 90 degrees is a right angle. Angles between 90 and 180 degrees are obtuse. Angles over 180 degrees are reflex.