You know a decimal is repeating when you keep getting the same remainder and you keep adding the same decimal onto the end. On calculators it may be expressed as, as an example, 0.6666667. When writing a reoccurring (repeating) decimal it is usually expressed as one decimal with a line over the top of it.
A repeating decimal is just a decimal that repeats. An example would be 6.575757... Repeating decimals are infinite.
Either, the decimal with a line over what's repeating (eg. 0.6 with a line over it), or decimal repeating (eg. "point six repeating").
A repeating decimal is rational.
repeating decimal is eg.: 0.333333333333333333333333333333333333 also, it is the same as recurring decimal eg. : 0.3333333333333333333333333333333
It is terminating - after two decimal digits.
It is 1.333... (repeating) milligrams.
No, 125 is not a repeating decimal. A repeating decimal is a decimal number that has a repeating pattern of digits after the decimal point. In the case of 125, it is a whole number and does not have any decimal places or repeating patterns. It can be written as 125.0000, but it is still a non-repeating decimal.
No, 33 is an integer. 0.3333 repeating is a repeating decimal.
0.370 repeating is a decimal.
0.45 repeating is a decimal!
1.21 repeating ... is a decimal.
3.25 repeating ... is a decimal.
0.7777 repeating is a decimal.
3.66 repeating is a decimal.
It appears to be a repeating decimal
A non-repeating decimal is a decimal that never repeats itself. For example, pi is a non-repeating decimal.
0.72 repeating written as a decimal is 0.72 repeating