Squareroot of 4 + Squareroot of 4 + Squareroot of 4 + 4=2+2+2+4=10
(44 - 4)/4
44 divided by .44
4!/4 - 4/4 = 5
You can get 9 with the sum 4 + 4 + (4/4) = 9
4/.4 + 4/4 [= 10+1 = 11]
(44 - 4)/4
44 divided by .44
The answer is 4! - [(4+4)/4]
(4x4)-(4/4) = 15
4+4+(4-4) = 4
One possible way: Make a 10 using five 4s as follows: 4 + 4 + (4 + 4)/4 = 10 Make another two 10s using five 4s in each. Multiply these three 10s.
4! - sqrt 4 + 4/4
4!/4 - 4/4 = 5