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It doesn't. It varies inversely as that square root.

Here's how I did it:

T = time for a planet's revolution

R = mean distance from the sun

K = some konstant, any konstant

V = planet's linear speed

Kepler's 3rd law: T2/R3 = K . . . . . T2 = K R3

But T = orbital circumference/V , so (2 pi R/V)2 = K R3 , and (2 pi/V)2 = K R

Divide ' 1 ' by each side:

(V/2 pi)2 = 1/K R or V2 = 1/K R (new konstant)

V = K sqrt( 1/R )


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Q: How can you prove by using Kepler's Law that the linear velocity of a planet varies as the square root of the mean distance from the Sun?
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It depends on a few things. The orbital period is a function o the planets mass and it's distance from the sun - see Keplers laws of planetary motion. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and takes 88 days to make one orbit. Neptune is the furthest planet and takes nearly 165 years to make one orbit.

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The further away from the sun, the longer it takes to make a revolution around the sun.When you take the average distance of a planet from the sun (average of aphelionand perihelion) and plot it onCartesian coordinates, you will notice that there is adistinct relationship.Units are in US customaryThe line is not linear but rather a power. Trend line: y = 66654(x^-0.5) or y = 66654/sqrt(x).Plot average orbital velocity in the Y axis MPH and average distance in the x axis in AU.At a distance of approx 1 mile from the surface from the sun the orbital period isabout 15 seconds and a velocity of the speed of light!The farther from the sun, the longer the orbiting time.

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Keplers law that describes how fast planets travel at different points in their orbits is called the law of?

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