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The slope of the line of a distance versus time graph is the velocity of the object. If this is a constant, in other words the graph is a straight line, the object is not changing its velocity and so is not accelerating.

If the object is accelerating, the velocity of the object will be changing, thus the graph will not be a straight line, but a curve - the amount of curvature (and direction) tells you how much the object is accelerating (and in what direction - velocity and acceleration are vector quantities with both magnitude and direction).

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The answer depends on whether, at the time, the object is moving towards or away from the reference point.

If moving towards the reference point (towards the time axis), the graph needs to be curved clockwise. If moving away from the reference point the graph must be curved counter-clockwise.

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Q: How can you tell if an object is accelerating in a distance versus time graph?
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Accelerating can be seen on a distance versus time graph true or false?

Indirectly, yes. If the graph is a straight line there is no acceleration, if the graph is not linear there is acceleration.

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The curved line on a time vs. distance graph represents that the object is accelerating.

You can use a distance versus time graph to analyze the motion of an accelerating object?

The slope at any point is the velocity, so you can construct a graph of that. The slope at any point on that graph is the acceleration. So you can construct a graph of that. The slope at any point on that is the rate of change of acceleration. And so on.

If a line on a distance versus time graph is horizontal what does that say about the motion of the object?

the object is not moving

Why is the line curved on a distance vs time graph?

The object is accelerating or decelerating in the radial direction.

On a graph showing distance versus time a horizontal line represents what about the object?

no motion

What does a curved line on a distance vs time graph tell you?

The object is accelerating or decelerating in the radial direction.

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If its slanted up its accelerating, if down its decelerating.

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A straight horizontal one does.

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Straight line