Well, the normal way to check a division problem is with multiplication... if you divide 21 by 7 and come up with three, then you check that by multiplying 7 and 3, to get 21. But if you're on an abacus or something, I suppose you could say, "I came up with a result of three, which means three sevens", and then add 7 + 7 + 7 to get 21.
to ensure and re-check your work you use the opposite signs (addition & subtractions, multiplication & division) e.g. __= blank 10+ _ = 12 _=2 to check: you take the answer (in this case 12) and subtract (because its the opposite of addition) by the blank you filled in (2 in this case. therefore, 12-2=10 so we know its correct :-)
Solving • Work backward to isolate the variable and solve the equation.Multi-Step • Use subtraction to undo addition, and use addition to undo subtraction.Equations • Use multiplication to undo division, and use division to undo multiplication.
To check for divisibility, use the "%" operator - the remainder of a division. If the remainder is 0, it is divisible.for (i = 1; i
You don't. You can check addition with subtraction or subtraction with addition, since subtraction is the opposite of addition. Similary, you can check division with multiplication, or vice versa.
addition subtraction multiplication and division
to ensure and re-check your work you use the opposite signs (addition & subtractions, multiplication & division) e.g. __= blank 10+ _ = 12 _=2 to check: you take the answer (in this case 12) and subtract (because its the opposite of addition) by the blank you filled in (2 in this case. therefore, 12-2=10 so we know its correct :-)
Solving • Work backward to isolate the variable and solve the equation.Multi-Step • Use subtraction to undo addition, and use addition to undo subtraction.Equations • Use multiplication to undo division, and use division to undo multiplication.
Addition + Subtraction - Multiplication * Division /
multiplication is the Inverse operationof division so it could be used to check my work
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
For calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division .... etc....
It depends whether it is a subtraction, mulitplication, addition, or division problem.
When you do your homework at home.
Do (multiplication/division) before you do (addition/subtraction).