for example if you want to find out 6 divided by 3, 2 times 3 is 6 6 divided by 3 is 2.
How do you use division to solve a multiplication equation?Answer this question…
yes multiplication can help with division because if you find the answer to a multiplication problem use the answer to get the divison.Exanple:32divided by4=8=8x4=32
Division is the inverse operation to multiplication. Division by a number (other than zero) is the same as multiplication by its reciprocal.
Solving • Work backward to isolate the variable and solve the equation.Multi-Step • Use subtraction to undo addition, and use addition to undo subtraction.Equations • Use multiplication to undo division, and use division to undo multiplication.
The result of multiplication is the "product", regardless of what the result of division is called.
How do you use division to solve a multiplication equation?Answer this question…
Yes they use multiplication and division to measure geometry
Because you need to use inverse operations and the opposite of multiplication is division.
you can use it
Ah, multiplication?
multiplication is the Inverse operationof division so it could be used to check my work
yes multiplication can help with division because if you find the answer to a multiplication problem use the answer to get the divison.Exanple:32divided by4=8=8x4=32
No, you can use it in multiplication
addition subtraction multiplication and division
Multiplication is the inverse operation to division.
Division is the inverse operation to multiplication. Division by a number (other than zero) is the same as multiplication by its reciprocal.