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(6x+8)+ (9x-25)

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Q: How can you use the base angles of a figure to figure out its length?
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How do you find area base of a soild figure?

You measure the necessary parameters. It may be the radius/diameter or the length of a side of a regular polygon, or the lengths of sides and angles of an irregular polygon, and even more complicated measures for odder shapes. Use this information with appropriate formulae to calculated the base area.

How do find a length of a figure?

use a ruler a square can be 34cm

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You can use a cube to figure out how many faces there are, angles and edges.

Where can you find the hypotenuse of a right triangle?

the hypotenuse is the side of the right triangle that is opposite of the 90 degree angle. To figure out the length of the hypotenuse you can use a2 + b2 = c2 (if you know the length of the other two sides) If you don't that you can probably use the sine or the cosine equation. (as long as you know at least one of the angles)

How do you find angles on an isosceles trapezoid?

Use a protractor and you'll find base angles are equal and that the 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees

How do you figure length width to square a building?

use a measuring tape

How can you determine whether a quadrilateral is a rectangle without measuring?

If you know the angles, you can use them to figure it out. If they are all 90 degree angles, then it is most certainly a rectangle.

How do you find the length of the base of a triangle when you only know the highs and the slant height?

The height can be represented as the line from the apical vertex (the top corner) to the base. This line meets the base at right angles, and divided the triangle into two right angled triangles. Then use Pythagoras' theorem: Suppose the height is h and the slant heights are a and b units. Then the length of the part of the base under slant height a is sqrt(a2 - h2) and the length of the part of the base under slant height b is sqrt(b2 - h2) So the length of the base is sqrt(a2 - h2) + sqrt(b2 - h2).

Do a clothes designer use geometry?

yes they do in fact, they use geometry for the angles of their clothes including length and width.

How do you calculate angle in a trapezium?

You need to use a protractor to measure the two angles at the ends of the base. The other two angles will be their supplements.

Who found the length of the hypotenuse?

I'm assuming Pythagorus - hence the Pythagorean Theorem of which you use to figure the length of the hypotenuse.

What unite shuld you use when the metric system to measure length?

the base unit of length is the metre.