Unfortunately, a person cannot find the numbers or symbols by using the letters JAZZAR and a calculator. The numbers and symbols for JAZZAR using a telephone keypad are 5 2 # # 2 *.
87400 combinations
Greek numerals are a system of representing numbers using the letters of the Greek alphabet. They are also known as Milesian numerals, Alexandrian numerals, or alphabetic numerals. In modern Greece, they are still in use for ordinal numbers.
try to find what number times the same numbers equals the number that you have.
It is: TODAY
A date or Today
If you write April 26, 2011, this contains only 5 letters, but unfortunately also contains numbers...
To write 24 January 2014 in 5 letters without using numbers kindly write 24.1.14.
The only way that's possible is on that day, you can write "today". You missed it.
Even if you used roman numerals, it would still require more than 5 letters.
A date