

How can you write 600 milliamps?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: How can you write 600 milliamps?
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How do you write 600 miliamps?

you just did. you could change to amps -- 0.6 amp = 600 milliamps

How do you write 0.026 in milliamps?

The answer depends on the units which were used for 0.026. For example, 0.026 milliamps would be 0.026 milliamps while 0.026 microamps would be 0.000026 milliamps.

How many hours is 600 milliamps?

Milliamps is the unit used for electric currents, and without any other variable known, time cannot be calculated.

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How do you write 50 milliamps in decimal form?

Correct answer is .000050

How do you write 22.5 milliamps?

It can also be written as 0.0225 A, or 22500 uA, etc.

Can a 6volt 600 milliamps adopter be substituted for a 6 volts 100 milliamps adopter?

Yes...(if I'm understanding your question correctly). You want to use the 600mA adaptor on a device that once used the 100mA adaptor? can go higher with mA, but not lower.

How to write 600 million?

Well... you write it like this... 600 000 000

How many hours does 1540 milliamps of power equal?

None. The time depends upon the capacity of the delivery system, eg a battery with a rating of 1200mah (1200 milliamp hours) means it holds enough charge to deliver 1 milliamp for 1200 hours; or it can deliver 2 milliamps for 600 hours, or 1200 milliamps (=1.2 amps) for 1 hour, or 3600 milliamps (= 3.6 amps) for 1/3 hour (= 20 mins), etc.

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How many milliamps in 1.7 amps?

1 amp = 1000 milliamps so 1700 milliamps = 1.7 amps.