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It can be as cold, or as hot as you wish.

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Q: How cold is Carbon dioxide?
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Can you cool a liquid with carbon dioxide?

Yes. Solid carbon dioxide is "dry ice" which is very cold.

What changes carbon dioxide gas back into carbon in a solid form?

the cold air can change the carbon dioxide gas to a solid

Which gas is dissolved in cold drinks to give it a tangy taste?

carbon dioxide (CO2)

Is carbon dioxide hot or cold?

Carbon dioxide is a gas at room temperature, so it does not have a specific hot or cold temperature. Its temperature depends on the environment it is in.

What must be done to carbon dioxide gas to change it to solid?

the cold air can change the carbon dioxide gas to a solid

What is a sentence for carbon dioxide?

carbon dioxide increases global warming. This is one of many examples for sentence use.

Does warm carbon dioxide rise faster than cold carbon dioxide?

In an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, warm carbon dioxide would rise. Since carbon dioxide is better than twice as dense as air, it would need to be really hot before it would rise.

How does soda get cold?

The carbon dioxide begins to escape.

Is carbon dioxide cold in gas form?

No. Carbon dioxide gas is not necessarily any temperature. It may be cold in some cases, but as a component of the atmosphere it is often found at room temperature. Since it is a product of combustion, extremely hot carbon dioxide may be found in most flames.

What do you see when you see your breath on cold day?

carbon dioxide as a gas

What are the uses of frozen carbon dioxide?

Frozen carbon dioxide is also known as dry ice. It can be used to keep things (such as perishable foods) cold.

Is carbon dioxide warm?

Carbon dioxide itself is not warm or cold, as it is a gas. However, it can contribute to warming the Earth's atmosphere when present in high concentrations, as it is a greenhouse gas that traps heat from the sun.