If You Pay The Last Three Dollars In Change Then You Won't Be Using Any Dollar Bills. Pay them the $63 with a Check or a Credit Card. Then you wont be using any $1 bills. =) hehe
Three twenty dollars bills and 12 quarters
6 hundred and 24 ones
To make $1000 using $20 bills, you would need 50 bills. This is because $20 x 50 = $1000. Each $20 bill represents 1/20 of the total amount, so dividing $1000 by $20 gives you the number of bills needed.
4690 without using a calculator !
540... without using a calculator !
One $50 bill, one $5 bill, and four $2 bills make $63 with only six bills.
$50 + $5 + $2 + $2 + $2 +$2.
No. Not smart. If someone got your SS numbers they could steal your identity.
They could but it is illegal without your permission.
Use numbers, instead.
you could always start using it, that would save you money on energy bills, or you could take it out.
That actually depends upon what it is that you are using. If you use someone's car without permission, that is called stealing. If you use someone's movie without permission, that is called piracy. If you use someone's body without permission, that is called rape.
By using mobile.
shopping bills,electric bills,telephone bills and etc
Under basic property law it is axiomatic that they cannot sell what they do not own, at least not without your permission. Therefore, any unauthorized "sale" would be completely void, just like someone using your name to open a credit card account and run up the bills; you're not a party to it, so you're not liable for any transaction without your consent.
It is a adjective relating to someone using euphemisms. So someone could be "euphemistically speaking".