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When he was in India with his father

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Q: How did Fibonacci become interested in math?
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What did Fibonacci do?

He was a Mathematician, who discovered the Fibonacci sequence, Fibonacci polynomials, Fibonacci Pseudoprime, Reciprocal Fibonacci Constant, and many more things. His dad wanted him to be a wealthy merchant. He was amazingly good in math.

What were Fibonacci's contributions to math?

1,1,2,3,4,5,13,17,19,23,25,27,the fibonacci sequence all three

What did Leonardo Fibonacci's father do for a living?

he did math

How did Fibonacci become a mathematician?

He became a mathematician by studying math. He believed that numbers and math held the secrets of the universe. He tried to explain everything he observed with some kind of mathematical formula.

What math is used in finance?

Fibonacci Numbers/ sequence

Who are the characters in the math curse book?

Mrs. Fibonacci

Why is Fibonacci important in maths?

because if we did not have him we would never no how to do math

What type of math did Leonardo Fibonacci study?

C alculus

What did Leonardo Fibonacci want for the world?

for everbody to know math.

What did Leonardo Fibonacci give to the field of math?

Fibonacci brought Arabic Numerals to the western world.His "sequence" is pretty cool, too. . .. ... ..... ....... ............. .................... ................................. ..................................................... ......................................................................................

When did Leonardo Fibonacci contribute to math?

go back to school stuid

What was Fibonacci's occupation?

Fibonacci was a mathematician who travelled and studied under other mathematicians. He received a salary from the Republic of Pisa for his work in math and science.