the world cant be understood- for information the world depends entirly on youtube! ...WE SUCK!
Pythagoras believed numbers could be used to explain the natural world.
Because he went to babylion war first
If I recall it correctly Pythagoras found the when dealing with right angle triangles, the square on the hypotenuse equaled the sum of the squares on the other two sides.
Pythagoras was a famous philosopher and perhaps the world's first scientist. In looking for a better/uniform way to tune his harp, he discovered that the length of a string was in direct mathematical proportion to its pitch. From this revelation, Pythagoras made the leap of concluding that everything in nature could be expressed as mathematics. This approach to physics is still in use today. The Greek philosopher considered numbers to be sacred and developed a secret system of numerology. Pythagoras believed in reincarnation. Today, many people consider themselves 'Pythagoreans', that is, they have studied sacred numerology and beleve in reincarnation. Kaballists have the same belief as do Master Masons.
the world cant be understood- for information the world depends entirly on youtube! ...WE SUCK!
Pythagoras believed numbers could be used to explain the natural world.
Pythagoras believed numbers could be used to explain the natural world.
Many people think Christopher Columbus was the first person to believe that the Earth was round. Pythagoras however was the first person to actually believe this.
Well, on Wikipedia, it says that Pythagoras might have traveled the world for knowege.
I think that Pythagoras got his eduacation from around the world. On Wikepedia, it says that he traveled the world at an young age, seeking information.
He gave the Pythagorean Theorem to the world.
To school children in the Western world, Pythagoras is probably best known for Pythagoras theorem. However, apart from Eurocentrism, there is little to connect Pythagoras with the theorem since it was known to Mesopotemian, Chinese and Indian mathematicians for centuries before Pythagoras.
The Greek philosopher Pythagoras is often attributed to saying "Numbers rule the universe." This quote reflects his belief in the importance of mathematical principles in understanding the natural world and the underlying order of the universe.