He didn't discover Venus. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the sky (after the sun and moon), so it's been observed ever since cave men looked up.
he played the lyre
he dicovered it in greece
Discover of a Mathematical formula to relate the sides of a right triangle.
the pythagorean theorem i would just like to say that he did not discover that, it was found in 800 B.C
he played the lyre
Yes, it's called Pythagoras theorem
he dicovered it in greece
No He discovered how to work out the hypotenuse
Pythagoras. He didint invent them he discover them.
Could well have been Pythagoras..?
Pythagoras discovered that a scalene triangle is in fact a square
some time in the 500's BC.
No but traditionally it is accredited to him
Pythagoras discovered that for any right angle triangle its hypotenuse when squared is equal to the sum of its squared sides.