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Venus goes through phases similar to those of Earth's moon.


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Q: How did galileo's observation support the heliocentric system?
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Related questions

What was galileos thepry of the solar system?

We'll never know. But it may be worth noting that Galileo supported and played a major role in the theory concerning the heliocentric theory, or the belief that the Sun was at the center of the Solar System.

Do the observed phases of Venus support the heliocentric system?

The phases of Venus are well supported by the heliocentric system, but they are also supported very well by the previous geocentric system. All you need for Venus to have phases is that Venus should pass between Earth and Sun. That happens in both the heliocentric system and the geocentric system.

Was Copernican in the heliocentric or geocentric system?

The proposed the heliocentric system.

Who was the first to use the telescope to observe Jupiters moon to support the heliocentric model of the solar system?


The discovery of the moons of jupiter lent support to which system?

The discovery of the moons of jupiter lent support to. the heliocentric system. If you apply equal forces to a cement truck and a compact car.

Which observation provides the best evidence that earth revloves around the sun?

The heliocentric model provides evidence that the earth moves around the sun. This theory was discovered back in ancient Egyptian times.

The heliocentric system gained support when galieo observed that?

Venus goes through phases similar to those of Earth's moon.

What is a good sentence for heliocentric?

The scientist made the heliocentric model of the solar system. It is a word for the graphical model of our solar system.

Who contradicted the geocentric system?

The Heliocentric System. m.i.

What model of our solar system did Copernicus?

heliocentric system

Who used the heliocentric system?


What system in which sun is central?
