Venus goes through phases similar to those of Earth's moon.
Galileo's observations with his telescope supported the concept of heliocentricism. He noted that the satellites of Jupiter and Venus, based on their range of phases, did not match geocentricism supported by Ptolemy. He noted that based on these findings, that the Heliocentric theory was correct.
Heliocentric = The Sun is at the center of our solar system. Geocentric = The Earth is at the center of our solar system. Insisting the Sun is at the center, which it is, once very much angered the church.
The Geocentric or Ptolemaic Model put the earth at the center of the Universe. The Heliocentric Model postulated by Copernicus and, before him, Aristarchus, places the Sun at the center of the Solar System. Galileo's observations proved the validity of the Heliocentric Model.
They both explained which body is in the center of the solar system
From about 1510-1514 Copernicus developed his first general outline of his new heliocentric system.
the phases of Venus could only be explained by it orbiting the Sun, not Earth as in the geocentric model. This observation provided evidence that supported the heliocentric system proposed by Copernicus.
Galileo Galilei's theory of the solar system was largely based on the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus, with the sun at the center instead of the Earth. Galileo's observations and use of the telescope provided evidence to support this model, ultimately leading to a better understanding of the structure of our solar system.
The phases of Venus are well supported by the heliocentric system, but they are also supported very well by the previous geocentric system. All you need for Venus to have phases is that Venus should pass between Earth and Sun. That happens in both the heliocentric system and the geocentric system.
The proposed the heliocentric system.
The discovery of the moons of jupiter lent support to. the heliocentric system. If you apply equal forces to a cement truck and a compact car.
Heliocentric system.
Galileo observed phases of Venus, which were only possible if Venus orbited the Sun and not Earth, supporting the heliocentric model of the solar system proposed by Copernicus. This observation was a key piece of evidence in favor of the heliocentric theory.
The scientist made the heliocentric model of the solar system. It is a word for the graphical model of our solar system.
The Heliocentric System. m.i.
heliocentric system
The heliocentric theory questioned the existing belief in the geocentric theory of astronomy. Aside from being an astronomical observation, the heliocentric theory helped people to realize that they are not necessarily the center of the universe, which is an important part of scientific objectivity.