Not many jobs don't involve math. Most jobs require you to know basic math skills, such as arithmetic and perhaps some basic algebra and geometry. If you want to become an engineer or scientist or something, you will probably need much more math knowledge than that. I assume that most writing jobs don't require math skills (author, blahblahblah).
Math is an important part of your life. Most jobs require you to no math and be able to calculate well.
99.99% No joke
i need to do this for math class
Almost all jobs use simple math, if only to find out your pay check, but for serious math topics such as physics and calculus... those are really only needed by engineers, architects, computer programmers, etc.
Jobs excluding math are jobs excluding human beings
Math teacher
If you are interested in verifying the accuracy of your paycheck, ALL jobs are math-related.
No he sucked badly at math!
Some jobs that involve animals and math include wildlife biologists, zoologists, and research scientists. These professionals may collect and analyze data related to animal populations, behavior, or habitats using mathematical models and statistical analysis techniques to make informed decisions and recommendations for conservation or management strategies.
The average salary for math major jobs is around 80,000 per year.
yes, without math you wouldn't get a job cuz all jobs requier math
a cashier