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In asexual reproduction, tiny spores called conidia(singular: conidium) are formed at the tips of specialized hyphae called conidiophores. These spores get their name from the Greek word knonis, which means "dust." If a conidium lands in a suitable environment, it grows into a hiploid mycelium.

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Q: How do conidia form and what is their function?
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Elachista conidia was created in 1997.

What are conidia?

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What is the difference between spore and conidia?

The difference between spore and conidia is that spores are asexual or sexual reproductive units while conidia are asexual only. Both are types of fungi.

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Tinea pedis produces asexual spores called conidia. As the skin cellls slough off, the carry the conidia with them. The conidia are able to survive for years, waiting for a new foot to infect.

What is the difference between fungal spore and conidia?

fungal spores are haploid 'non motile and are formed in sporangia on sporangiophore while conidia are haploid ,non motile spores which are formed on conidiophore instead of sporangia spores are mostly characteristics of aseptate hyphae while conidia is of septate hyphae conidia are in the fornm of chains and clusters

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How is Aspergillus fumigatus spread?

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