6.287 ( since the 4th decimal is less than 5 we round down)
3 is less than 5, so round down to 0.01.
2 decimal places is the second number after the decimal point. So in 13.256 the 5 is the second decimal place. To round, you look at the number to the right of the decimal place you want to round to. So in 13.256 we look at the 6. If a number is greater than or equal to 5 you round up, if the number is less than 5 you round down. So 13.256 rounded to 2 decimal places is 13.26%
You would round it DOWN - to 25.30
2.857Because the digit after the first 7 is less than 5, we round down.
5.721 rounded to 2 decimal places is rounded DOWN to 5.72
To two places, the value is 0.86(less than 5, you round down)
If you round to zero decimal places, you are simply rounding to the nearest whole number. Since the tenths decimal place is less than 5, you would round down and get an answer:256
16.492 rounds down to 16.49
You can't round on a calculator. You do it in your head. 4-1, you round down, 5-9, you round up.
6.287 ( since the 4th decimal is less than 5 we round down)
3 is less than 5, so round down to 0.01.
2 decimal places is the second number after the decimal point. So in 13.256 the 5 is the second decimal place. To round, you look at the number to the right of the decimal place you want to round to. So in 13.256 we look at the 6. If a number is greater than or equal to 5 you round up, if the number is less than 5 you round down. So 13.256 rounded to 2 decimal places is 13.26%
The second decimal place is the 9. It is followed by a 1, which is less than 5, so we round it down to 1.39.
You would round it DOWN - to 25.30
2.857Because the digit after the first 7 is less than 5, we round down.
0.47 - since the third digit is four or less, you round down.