An open circle should have a dashed circumference, a closed circle a solid one.
Each line time is used to show different things. Some of the lines are, Center lines( long- and short-dashed lines.)cutting plane lines( thin, medium-dashed lines, or thick long- and double short-dashed) and section lines(thin lines in a pattern).
it means to rush
Different types of lines are :parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines,oblique lines, vertical lines, horizontal lines, zigzag lines, curved lines ,wavy lines, and dashed or dotted lines.
A polygon!a polygon
Each line time is used to show different things. Some of the lines are, Center lines( long- and short-dashed lines.)cutting plane lines( thin, medium-dashed lines, or thick long- and double short-dashed) and section lines(thin lines in a pattern).
The circles are called contour lines. A contour line connects points of the same elevation. When the lines are close together on a map that show the land is steep.
Hidden lines.
it means to rush
line style
On a sphere, two great circles will form a biangle, a polygon with two sides.
To draw two water molecules with dashed lines to indicate hydrogen bonds forming between them, represent each water molecule as an oxygen atom (O) with two hydrogen atoms (H) bonded to it. Then, draw dashed lines connecting the oxygen atom of one water molecule to the hydrogen atoms of the other water molecule. These dashed lines represent hydrogen bonds forming between the two water molecules.
The dashed lines that display on a slide when moving an object are called alignment guides. These guides help you align objects with other elements on the slide for better positioning and layout.
They are called fold lines or perforated lines. They indicate where the paper should be folded or torn.
single yellow and dashed yellow parallel lines
A. The way that contour lines bend when they cross a stream is always upstream. B. Circles that are closed contours signify hills. C. Closed contours with short lines pointing downward are closed depressions and have no outlet. D. Gentle slopes are characterized by lines farther apart, while steep slopes are characterized by lines closer to one another. E. Maximum relief is the different elevations between highest and lowest points in an area.