Five and two hundred sixty-seven thousandths.
eighty seven quadrillion seven hundred sixty four trillion three hundred eighty seven billion seven hundred sixty seven million six hundred sixty six thousand six hundred sixty seven
sixty tenths is equal to 60/10 or 6 in decimals. I am assuming you meant SIX tenths with would be 6/10 or .6. The first place to the right of the decimal is the tenths, then the hundredths, then thousands, etc.
Sixty-seven hundred-thousandths in decimal form is 0.00067
Sixty-seven trillion, three hundred forty-five billion, eight hundred ninety-two million, eight hundred sixty-eight thousand, seven hundred thirty-six.
five tenths < sixty five hundredths < seven tenths [0.5 < 0.65 < 0.7].
Two million, seven hundred fourteen thousand, seven hundred sixty-seven and five tenths.
Six point seven. Six and seven tenths.
eight-hundred sixty-seven and nine tenths
Five and two hundred sixty-seven thousandths.
One hundred and sixty and five tenths is 160.5
eighty seven quadrillion seven hundred sixty four trillion three hundred eighty seven billion seven hundred sixty seven million six hundred sixty six thousand six hundred sixty seven
Sixty nine and seven tenths as a mixed number = 697/10
Four thousand five hundred eighty seven and sixty tenths
One hundred sixty point four, or One hundred sixty and four tenths
sixty-nine and seven hundredths