If it snows outside, instead of the branches snapping, they bend.
Triangle means 3 angles. No other shape exists and any three angle shape is a triangle
It is a triangle inside another shape, usually such that its vertices are on the boundaries of the other shape.
If the shape has three straight lines and no other lines then it has to be a triangle
The shape of Virginia is a triangle. =)
the answer is SUNLIGHT!!!the shape of triangle help that the needles get more sunlight and protect also with snow , so the tree wont hold much weight!
Conifers produce seeds, not fruits. The seeds of conifers are typically contained within cones, which are the reproductive structures of these plants. The cones protect and disperse the seeds when they are mature.
what shape is not a triangle but has 3 sides
A triangle is a geometric shape.
A triangle is a geometric shape.
A triangle is a geometric shape.
Conifers have a sloping shape to help them shed heavy snow accumulation and allow more sunlight to reach their lower branches. The strong smell of conifers is due to the presence of aromatic compounds in their resin, which helps to deter pests and pathogens.
Yes because a triangle is a 2D shape whereas a triangle prism is a 3D shape
The red kangaroo's body is kind of a triangle shape..so the shape is a triangle!!
Yes a triangle is a 2D polygon shape
The shape of the pointer when it is in a document is a triangle.