3.07 = 307/100
307/100 is in its simplest form.
To express 3.07 as a fraction, we first need to determine the place value of the decimal. In this case, the decimal is in the hundredths place. Therefore, 3.07 can be written as 3 and 7/100 or simplified to 307/100. This fraction can be further reduced to 3 and 7/100 or 3 and 7%.
It is: 0.614 = 307/500 as a simplified fraction
30.7 = 307/10
0.307 = 307/1000
307/1, which is 307 over 1. or 614/2, 921/3, 1228/4, etc.
3.07 as an improper fraction is 307/100
3.07 = 307/100
15.35 is a decimal. It has a fraction equivalent of 307/20