.47 or 47/100
0.47. check it out for yourself. this in a fraction is 47/100. get a calculator and divide 47 by 100.
.4700 It is 47/10 000 = 0.0047
The standard form of 0.47 is 47/100. This is because in standard form, decimal numbers are converted to fractions. In this case, the decimal point is moved two places to the right to get rid of the decimal, resulting in 47/100.
It is: 47/100 in its simplest form
-4 47 in decimal form = =0.0851-4/47:= -4 ÷ 47= -0.0851 in decimal
47 over 11 as a decimal = 4.2727...47/11:= 47 ÷ 11= 4.2727... in decimal
You would write it as 47 - just that. There is no need for a decimal point and certainly not any trailing zeros.You would write it as 47 - just that. There is no need for a decimal point and certainly not any trailing zeros.You would write it as 47 - just that. There is no need for a decimal point and certainly not any trailing zeros.You would write it as 47 - just that. There is no need for a decimal point and certainly not any trailing zeros.
47% = 0.47
.47 or 47/100
0.47. check it out for yourself. this in a fraction is 47/100. get a calculator and divide 47 by 100.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. If it does not contain a fractional part then the decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal for 47 is 47.
.4700 It is 47/10 000 = 0.0047