To convert a fraction to a decimal you need to divide the numerator (the number above the line) by the denominator (the number below the line).
11/20 = 0.55
Expressed as a decimal number, 11/5 is equal to 2.2. Expressed as a percentage, it is equal to 220 percent.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of a one is ten times that of a one in the place to its right. If it does not contain a fractional part then the decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal for 1125 is 1125 – as in the question.
0.91666666666 as a fraction is 11/12. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we count the number of decimal places after the decimal point (in this case, there are 11 sixes), and then place the decimal value over the appropriate power of 10 (11 sixes over 10^11). This simplifies to 11/12, as both the numerator and denominator can be divided by 6.
2 over 11 written as a repeating decimal = 0.18181818...
1/11= 0.090909091
11 over 19 is the same as 11 divided by 19: 11 ÷ 19 = 0.57895
5 over 11 equal 5.11
Fractions are really just division problems:11 over 32 = 11/32 = 11 ÷ 32 = 0.34375
11 over 36 into a decimal = 0.3055...11/36:= 11 ÷ 36= 0.3055... in decimal
47 over 11 as a decimal = 4.2727...47/11:= 47 ÷ 11= 4.2727... in decimal
-0.8181 repeating
1.2 = 12/10 = 11/5