feed conversion ratio: for every one broiler,a certain amount of feed is consumed.
eg: 100 broilers is feed 800kg of feed
100 : 800
100 : 800
1 : 8
so for every one(1) broiler,eight(8)kg of feed is consumed.
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7 days a week
It takes 5 min.
An entire village in South Africa.
Enough to feed your cracked up kids
2:1 for broilers
The feed conversion ratio of pompano is also known as FCR. This is 17g in most cases. The numbers can fluctuate depending on various reasonings for the feed conversion.
The average feed conversion is the number of kilograms of feed required to feed a pound of a bird. The average feed conversion for turkeys is 3 kilograms.
The formula for calculating feed conversion ratio (FCR) is: FCR = Total feed consumption / Livestock weight gain. This formula helps determine the efficiency of feed utilization in livestock production, with a lower FCR indicating better efficiency in converting feed into animal weight gain.
The digestibility of a feed depends on how much undigestible material there is present in it (fibre/cellulose). For example, straw is a lot less digestible than barley grain, although they contain exactly the same ammount of carbohydrates. So, if a feed is really hard for the animal to digest, this will affect how much ME (metabolisable energy) it gets out of it, so the feed conversion ratio will be higher with a more digestible feed, and lower with a feed of lower digestibility.
To build up bulk, feed them a protein rich diet meant for broilers.
Cattle average from 5.5 to 6.5 lbs of feed per lb of gain. These numbers can vary a lot depending on weight of cattle entering the feedyard, genetic background etc...
Eugene Beker has written: 'Effect of feeding frequency on feed conversion ratio of white tropical shrimp (Penaeus vannamei)'
A good feed conversion would be 2 lbs of feed to yield 1 lb of live bird weight. Anything less than that is great. The lowest I've ever seen was 1.6 lbs of feed to yield 1 lb of live bird. A system has been developed that stimulates more active crops and gizzards of meat chicken. This leads to enhanced digestion of their feed and healthier birds with lower mortality and improved feed efficiency. We have recorded Feed Conversion Ratios of under 1.5 to 1!
Hi there. I am from Alabama, USA. I have been buying broiler meat from a farmer not too far from where I live for almost 20 years. Recently I have learnt that this farmer feeds his broilers with broiler meat. Is this possible. Now that I have learnt that his chickens are actually cannabals I have decided to stay away from them. Is this allowed. Can you actually feed broilers with broiler meat. Also that probably means that he is feeding his broiler with dead broilers on his farm. I have been told that he actually grinds up the dead broiler meat and feeds this to his broilers. He must be making a good living because he has been driving 4x4's since I have known him and the current one he is driving is almost $120,000.
FCR = total Feed consumed by birds/total weight gain e.g. 1000 broilers consumed 3500 kg feed in 45 days of rearing Total wight of birds is 1750 kg from 1000 birds FCR = 3500/1750 = 2.0
for finishing pigs the cost will be varied but on a specialist ration you would expect a feed conversion ratio of 2.86kg of feed to kg of weight gain a ration cost of approx £220 tonne. this gives a feed cost of £220 for every 350 kg of weight gain or £.63 per kg .None of these figures include any costs for labour,power,buildings,water,vet bedding or any other expense that evades me just now! if you were to use traditional breeds will cost more to finish them (lower feed conversion ratio)