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For a regular n-sided polygon with sides of length s, the formula is:

A = (n*s^2) / (4*tan(180/n))

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Q: How do you calculate the area of a polygon using the number of sides?
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How do you calculate the total degrees inside of a polygon?

By using the formula: (n-2)*180 = sum of degrees in a polygon whereas 'n' is the number of sides of the polygon

What is the formula used to calculate the number of sides in a polygon using its angle measures?

Let S be the sum of the measures of all the interior angles, in degrees. Then the number of sides is S/180 + 2.

What are the two ways of finding the number of sides of a polygon which has 189 diagonals?

By using the polygon diagonal formula or the quadratic equation formula in which in both formulae they work out that the polygon in question has 21 sides.

What are the steps of finding the diagonal of a polygon?

Using the formula: 1/2*(n2-3n) whereas 'n' is the number of sides of the polygon

How many sides does a regular polygon have if each angle measures 144 degrees?

We have the interior angle 144∘ . We can find the number of sides using the formula as follows. Thus, the polygon has 10 angles and 10 sides.

Sum of interiuor angles?

The sum of the interior angles of any polygon can be determined by using the formula (n-2)180, where n=the number of sides of that polygon. For example, you can calculate the sum of the interior angles of a polygon with five sides (a pentagon): (n-2)180 (5-2)180 3x180 540 So, the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is 540.

How many diagonals does a 11 sided polygon have?

You can find the number of diagonals in a polygon using the formula n(n-3)/2, where n is the number of sides. Therefore an 11 sided polygon has 44 diagonals.

How do you calculate the area of the polygon?

If it is a regular polygon--meaning that all the sides are congruent and all the angles are congruent, then the formula for area of the polygon is A=1/2 ap Here a represents the apothem, which is the distance from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of one side. p represents the perimeter of the polygon found by multiplying one side length by the number of sides. If you only know one variable such as side length, you can find the perimeter and you can find the apothem using trigonomety.

Can the measure of interior angle of a regular polygon can be found using 2 n-4 x 9 if n equals number of sides?

The formula is normally: (n-2)*180 = sum of interior angles whereas 'n' is the number of sides of the polygon

How do i classify a polygon using their attributes?

The primary classification of a polygon is according to the number of sides (or vertices) that it has.If all the sides are of equal length and all the angles are of the same measure then it is a regular polygon.If any of the angles is a reflex angle then it is a concave polygon, otherwise it is convex.

How do you calculate rainfall using the thiessen polygon method?

Thiessen Polygon method is a weighted average mean method used to calculate average rainfall. The catchment area is divided into subcatchments using the Thiessen polygon method.

How did Archimedes make pi?

Archimedes made pi by using the method of exhaustion to calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series. From the method of exhaustion, he gave a remarkably accurate approximation of pi (3.141593). The more sides a polygon has, the closer the approximation approaches pi. Pn is the perimeter of a regular polygon with n sides circumscribed around a circle with diameter d. The formula Archimedes used to calculate pi is: pi equals limits over number of sides to infinity multiplied by the perimeter of a regular polygon divided by the diameter.