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Pounds x 0.4536 = kilograms

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Q: How do you calculate weight into kilograms?
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How do you calculate a persons weight in kilograms?

2.2 pounds is equal to 1 kilogram.

How do you calculate your bmi using your weight as input?

One cannot calculate the BMI with weight alone as the height is also needed. To calculate the BMI that way you take your weight in kilograms and divide it by the square of your height in meters.

How do you calculate the weight of a dog that has a mass of 75 kilograms?

On Earth, 75 kilograms of mass weighs 165.35 pounds. That's quite a hound!

What are stuff that represent weight?

Weighing Machines are used to calculate and display weight of items. Weight is usually displayed in Kilograms (Kgs) or Pounds (lbs)

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If you know the weight of something in grams, you can calculate its weight in kilograms. Fill in the table to show the number of kilograms for the given number of grams.

What is the mass and weight of a 10-kg object on Earth?

10 kilograms is the mass. To calculate the weight (in newtons), multiply the mass by 9.8.

How do you calculate kgs into newtons?

You usually do this to calculate a weight. In this case, multiply the number of kilograms by the force of gravity - in case of Earth, this is about 9.8 meters/second2.

What is the weight of the ENIAC in kilograms?

4.1 kilograms

Grams kilograms to weight a man?


28-40 pounds in weight is how many kilograms?


How many pounds equal 15 kilograms?

First take the weight in kilograms and simply multiply it by 2.2. This would give you the answer in pounds. So in this case the answer is 33.06 pounds.