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To convert 5.83333333333 into a fraction, we can start by noticing that the repeating decimal .83333333333 can be represented as 5.8 recurring. This can be written as 5 8/9 in mixed number form. To convert this mixed number into a fraction, we multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator of the fraction (9) and add the numerator (8), resulting in 53/9 as the fraction equivalent of 5.83333333333.

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4mo ago
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4mo ago

Oh, dude, math time! So, 5.83333333333 is like a never-ending party, but we gotta turn it into a fraction. Just move the decimal point three places to the right, and you get 5833 over 1000. Boom, fractionized!

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4mo ago

Oh, that's a happy little question! To turn 5.83333333333 into a fraction, we can start by noticing that the decimal part .83333333333 can be written as 5/6. So, 5.83333333333 as a fraction is 5 5/6. Just like that, we've created a beautiful fraction from our decimal friend!

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12y ago

.3333333(repeating forever) is 1/3, so .033333(repeating) is 1/30.

5.8333(repeating) is 5 + 8/10 + 1/30.

Rewrite 8/10 as 24/30 and you get 5+24/30 +1/30 = 5 and 25/30 which simplifies to 5 and 5/6. As an improper fraction, that is 35/6.

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