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Left-click the mouse on the x axis. The end points of the axis will show up as blocked squares.

Right Click mouse to get Format Axis (or go to Format on the menu bar)

Select the Scale tab (second from left).

That offers you a number of options for changing the x-axis scale.

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Q: How do you change the scale of the x-axis in excel?
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Can you modify an existing Excel chart?

Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.Yes you can. It is very easy to modify Excel charts. Usually it is just a matter of clicking on what you want and if you right click you can get sets of options of things to change, or you can do it through the chart menu. You can change lots of things, like the colour of things in the charts, or change the scale on an axis and lots of other things. If you change any data that is used by the chart, it will automatically update the chart.

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You do not. Excel does not record the change date of an individual cell.

How many pitches to you need to lower to change a Major Scale to a Minor Scale?

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