As fractions are numbers you would use the same methods as any other comparison or ordering of numbers. Largest to smallest or smallest to largest are the most likely ways
You can convert them to equivalent fractions with like denominators, then simply compare the numerators.You might also convert each fraction to a decimal (divide the numerator by the denominator); then you can also compare them.
To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.
You can compare similar fractions by looking at their numerators. You can compare dissimilar fractions by converting them to similar fractions and looking at their numerators. You can convert a dissimilar fraction to a similar fraction by finding the least common denominator.
You DO need a common denominator to add, subtract, or compare fractions. You DO NOT need a common denominator to multiply or divide fractions.
You can either convert fractions to decimals and compare the decimal numbers; find equivalent fractions with the same denominator and then compare numerators or find equivalent fractions with the same numerator and then compare denominators.
Put fractions in decimal form. That way it is much easier to compare and order them.
The fractions can be ordered according to the order of their numerators.
It may be simplest to convert them all to a common form: rational fractions, decimal fractions or percentages and then compare them. When you are more expert, you may be able to convert them pairwise into a common basis and compare.
Convert them to decimals and order them least to greatest.
They are in the same order, by size, as their numerators.
You can convert them to equivalent fractions with like denominators, then simply compare the numerators.You might also convert each fraction to a decimal (divide the numerator by the denominator); then you can also compare them.
To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.
7/10 < 7/9 < 7/8
Two ways: convert them to decimals or convert them to similar fractions and compare the numerators.
you compare them
You can compare similar fractions by looking at their numerators. You can compare dissimilar fractions by converting them to similar fractions and looking at their numerators. You can convert a dissimilar fraction to a similar fraction by finding the least common denominator.
You DO need a common denominator to add, subtract, or compare fractions. You DO NOT need a common denominator to multiply or divide fractions.