Convert 0.7777777 into a fraction simpelest form
To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply it by 100: 14/16 = 14/16 x 100 % = 87.5 %
Convert 5.75 to a fraction
Convert the fraction to a decimal and then multiply by 100.
2.8 into a fraction = 28/10 or 14/5
Convert 0.7777777 into a fraction simpelest form
-2.8 = -28/10 = -14/5
You convert .1, or 0.1, into a fraction, and then write the number 14, followed by that fraction.
To convert 0.14 to a fraction, place the 14 over 100. You get 14/100. In simplest form it is 7/50. To change 0.14 to a percent, move the decimal two places to the right and add the % sign. It is 14%.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 14/28 is equal to 0.5.
You can't. As a fraction, though, it is 14/25
Since 75 is an integer, there is no need to convert it to a fraction. 70/5 = 14
You cannot convert 14 into a mixed fraction because it is an integer. However, although it is a totally pointless exercise, you could write it as 14 0/1.
To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply by 100: 14/16 = 14/16 x 100 % = 87.5 %
To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply it by 100: 14/16 = 14/16 x 100 % = 87.5 %