If you want to turn a percent into a fraction, all you need to do is put that number as a numerator in a fraction over 100. This would convert 120% into 120/100, which reduced would be 6/5.
120/100? 12/10? 6/5?
1.2 and 6/5
9.125% = 912.5 as a decimal and 1825/2 as an improper fraction
Remove the decimal point from the percentage to make 875%. Then, convert 875% into a fraction (875/1000). This is your answer! You may simplify this if you required...
Any fraction, such as 1/6, can be converted to a percent by multiplying the fraction by 100. 100(1/6) = 16 and 2/3 percent.
120 percent as a fraction = 6/5120% = 120%/100% or 6/5 in fraction
To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply by 100: 120/180 = 120/180 x 100 % = 662/3 % ≈ 66.67 %
120% as a fraction is 6/5
It is: 120% is 1.20 as a decimal and 6/5 as a fraction
Divide the percent by 100 and then simplify the resulting fraction.
To convert a percent to a fraction, divide the percent by 100.So for 240% becomes 240/100Then simplify the fraction, giving you:12/5
120/100 or 6/5
120% = 1 1/5
120% is represented by the improper fraction 6/5
120% = 120/100 = 6/5
120% = 1.2 = 12/10 = 6/5 = 11/5