The radius is five meters if the circumference is 31.4 meters.
If the circumference of a circle is 62.8 meters the diameter is: 20 meters.
The radius of a circle with a circumference of 41 meters is about 6.525 meters.
The circumference of a circle with a radius of 8 meters is: 50.27 meters (r x 2 x Pi = circumference).
The circumference of circle with a diameter of 23 meters is about 72.26 meters. (d x Pi = c)
40075.016 kilometers = 40,075,016 meters (just over 40 million meters). This figure is the approximate circumference of the Earth at the equator.
-- Exact circumference = 2pi meters -- Approximate circumference = 6.283 meters
A circumference of 21.99 meters.
A circumference of 50.27 meters.
The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 23 meters is: 72.257 meters.
The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 13.4 meters is: 42.1 meters (diameter x Pi = circumference).
Measure the diameter of a penny, convert to meters, and divide the circumference of Earth (which is about 40 million meters) by this value.
The circumference is 18.76 meters.
Circumference of circle = 7.2*pi meters
Circumference = 7.2*pi meters
Circumference = pi * 2 * radius, so with a radius of two meters, the circumference must be 12.56636... meters.
The radius is five meters if the circumference is 31.4 meters.