Square kilometers represent an area, you can't convert to a linear dimension.
Convert 5.7 x 10µ meters to kilometers.
30 kilometers in two hours or 15 kilometers per hour.
Your question does not make sense. Hours is a form a time. Miles is a form of distance. The two cannot be compared unless you have a velocity to convert them with such as a speed: 60mph, or even 60 kilometers per hour.
No, you cannot because kilometers are a unit of distance and grams are a unit of weight.
Kilometers measure distance; hours measure time- you can not convert distance to time. its just silly to try to convert measurement to time.
You can't. Units of time don't convert to units of distance.
Multiply hours by 60 to get milea
a) Divide the kilometers by the hours, to get the speed in kilometers per hour. b) Divide this result by 3.6, to convert to meters/second.
You cannot convert ounces to kilometers. Ounces are a measurement of weight. Kilometers are a measurement of distance.
Square kilometers represent an area, you can't convert to a linear dimension.
You cannot convert hours into miles because you have no idea how fast they were driving. There could be a huge difference between someone who drives really slow over 200 engine hours and someone who drives really fast over the same 200 hours. It does not take into account the distance travelled, only the hours the engine has been run.
Use this equation to convert miles to kilometers: miles x 1.60934 = kilometers
Convert 5.7 x 10µ meters to kilometers.
Just divide the distance by the time. In this case, you'll want to convert the minutes to hours, first.
To convert meters to kilometers, you divide by 1000. So, 116.5 meters is equal to 0.1165 kilometers.
In order to convert meters to kilometers you would go meters divided by 1000 = kilometers. So your answer is 0.0057104.