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Multiplying length times width times height of an object measured in feet will give you that object's volume in cubic feet. Dividing that number by 27 will you give you the volume in cubic yards.

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7y ago

If you have length, width, and height of a rectangular box, you multiply them all together to get cubic feet. Then you divide by 27 to convert to cubic yards.

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Q: How do you convert feet dimensions into cubic yards?
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HOW DO YOU Convert 270 cubic feet to cubic yards?

To convert from cubic feet to cubic yards, multiply cubic feet by 0.037. So, 270 x 0.037 = 46.99 cubic yards.

Convert cubic feet to cubic yards?

Divide cubic feet by 27 to get cubic yards.

Convert cubic yards to cubic feet?

Easy to do. Multiply cubic yards by 27 to get cubic feet.

How do you convert cubic yards to cubic?

Divide cubic feet by 27 to get cubic yards.

How many cubic yards in 8 feet by 24 feet?

You haveto convert feet to yards. 8 feet = 2.66666 yards 24 feet = 8 yards There are 21 and a third squared yards in 8ft by 24ft. You can not take cubic measurements when only given two units. You need a third measurement... if 8ft is the length and 24 feet is the width... then you would need the height to figure out cubic yards. you need three dimensions for cubic measurements and two dimensions for squared measurements.

How many cubic yards in 380 cubic feet?

Divide by 27 to convert cubic feet to cubic yards= 380/27 yards

Convert cubic feet to yards?

There are no yards in any number of cubic feet.However, 1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet

How do you convert 216 cubic feet to cubic yards?

216 cubic feet = 8 cubic yards.

How do you convert 4 feet by 4 feet by 18 inches deep into cubic yards?

24 cubic feet = 0.89 cubic yards

How would you convert twenty yards into cubic feet?

You cant convert 20 yards into cubic feet. You need lenght, breadth and depth to calculate the cubic area.

What is the volume in cubic yards of a cylinder 38 feet in diameter and 84 feet high?

There are three feet in one yard so you must first convert the dimensions to yards. The diameter would be 12 2/3 yards and the height would be 28 yards. V= 14, 106.27 cubic yards

How many yards is 26 cubic feet?

26 cubic yards = 702 cubic feet