You don't because km (kilometers) is a measure of distance and lbs (pounds) is a measure of weight
To convert the unit of weight kg (kilograms) to pounds, multiply by 2.2
That is, 1 kg = 2.2 lbs
how do you convert 1600.0m to km
To convert mm to km, divide by one million. 45000 mm = 0.045 km
Multiply miles by 1.609 to get kilometers. The formula to convert miles to km 1 mi* 1.609344 km 1 mi = 1.609344 km
To convert cm to km, divide by 100,000.
Convert everything to the same unit, then do the addition. Remember that a kilometer is 1000 meters. Either like this: (Convert to meters) 3 km + 800 m... = 3000 m + 800 m... Or: (convert to km) 3 km + 800 m... = 3 km + 0.8 km...
Kilometers are a measure of distance. Pounds are a measure of weight. One does not convert to the other. However, it is possible you meant kilogram, not kilometers. 1 kilogram is about 2.2 pounds, so 5 pounds would be about 2.26 kilograms.
Kilometers (km) measure distance while pounds (lbs) measure weight. Therefore, it is not possible to convert 70 km into lbs.
convert 15 nm into km
how do you convert 1600.0m to km
To convert mm to km, divide by one million. 45000 mm = 0.045 km
2.117 km
Convert 125 km to miles The formula to convert miles to km 77.67139903 mi* 63360 in 1 mi * 2.54 cm 1 in * 1 km 100000 cm = 125 km
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Pounds is a unit of weight, not distance, so it cannot be directly converted to kilometers. You would need to know the specific density or volume of the object in question to convert pounds into a distance measure like kilometers.
How do you want to convert that? km is a unit of length/distance; pounds is a unit of mass (or weight, the distinction is not always clear). It really doesn't make sense to convert units that measure completely different things.
There are 100 cm in a meter, and 1000 meters in a km, so you multiply by 100,000 to convert cm to km.
43.014 Km