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prc is one of the Kindle foramts like mobi.

Here maybe you can refer to the article which tell us how to convert pdf to mobi.

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Q: How do you convert pdf to prc?
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How do you open a PRC file and convert it to pdf file?

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The Kindle supports the following file formats... Kindle (AZW), TXT, PDF, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; HTML, DOC, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP The Kobo supports the following file formats... Books: EPUB, PDF and MOBI Documents: PDF Images: JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP and TIFF Text: TXT, HTML and RTF Comic Books: CBZ and CBR

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In order to convert a Word document to a PDF you should locate an online program such as PDF online. Downloading the appropriate program will allow you to safely convert to a PDF format.

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To convert epub to pdf file you would need a tool. named epub to pdf converter, something like that.

How do I convert PDF files to excel?

To convert PDF files to an Excel file, you can use this website, This website can convert any PDF file to any Excel file for free.

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To convert word file to PDF file format, with the help of Kernel for Word to PDF Converter Tool. That software efficient to convert multiple word file to PDF file format, just a single conversion click.

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RFT? I guess you meant RTF.Single conversion from RTF to PDF.1. Open the RTF file,2. Navigate to File > Export > Create PDF/XPS DocumentBatch conversion from RTF to PDFTry Bitwar PDF converter

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Try a PDF editor...