625. Here's how:There are five odd digits {1,3,5,7,9} so our numbers will be made using only these digits. This is the same number of possibilities as if you had a base 5 number system where the allowed digits are {0,1,2,3,4}. For a 1 digit base-5, there are 5 possibilities, for a two digit base-5 there are 5² = 25 possibilities, so for a 4-digit, there are 5^4 = 625possible. This is the same number you will have with only using odd digits.
count by fives (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ect.)
Just count up to 300 by 5. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and so on.
24 this is a factorial if you come across a question like this again count how many then multiply down from that number. 4x3x2x1 for four 5x4x3x2x1 for five and so on
Count using base 13.
For i = 1 to 5 Wscript.echo i Next You can change the "1 to 5" to any numbers you choose.
When numbers count by five, the number you are counting to either has a 5 or 0 in it.
Count all the given numbers then count all the numbers of a given value. Divide one by the other and multiply by 100. For instance, if there are 50 numbers in total and 5 of them have the value 42, then the percentage of numbers with the value 42 is 5 / 50 * 100 = 10%.
100/5 = 20
With base one million, you can create one nonillion different numbers; using the traditional decimal (base ten) system, you can form 100 thousand different numbers.
No, 0.55 is not a natural number.Natural numbers are counting numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... thus, decimal numbers are not natural numbers because we do not count using decimals.
625. Here's how:There are five odd digits {1,3,5,7,9} so our numbers will be made using only these digits. This is the same number of possibilities as if you had a base 5 number system where the allowed digits are {0,1,2,3,4}. For a 1 digit base-5, there are 5 possibilities, for a two digit base-5 there are 5² = 25 possibilities, so for a 4-digit, there are 5^4 = 625possible. This is the same number you will have with only using odd digits.
Count in base 13.
If you count the square base, 5.
you count how many numbers there are and then divide it or count one from each side until you get an answer. 123456789 middle is 5 1234567890 midlle is 5 and a half.