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There are 4 ways to do it. You can graph, use substitution, use elimination, or use matrices.


Graph the two equations and the coordinates where they intersect are the answer.


Solve one of the equations for one of the variables and substitute that in the other equation. Then you'll find the value of that variable and you can substitute that and get the other variable.


Make the coefficients of one of the variables opposites of each other and then add both equations. The opposites will cancel and you have the other variable. Then when you find that variable, find the other one by substituting the number for that variable in one of the equations.


Make sure both equations are in standard form (Ax+By=C). Then make a 2x2 matrix that has the coefficients of x in the left column and the coefficients of y in the right column and each equation gets its own row. Then make a 2x1 matrix with the C values. Put the C value of the equation you put at the top at the top and the other one at the bottom. Then multiply the inverse of the 2x2 matrix by the 2x1 matrix and you'll get a 2x1 matrix with x at the top and y at the bottom.

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Q: How do you determine the values of x and y in a linear equation in two variables?
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A linear equation is that of a straight line. Any one of the infinitely many points on the line will be solutions. If the equation is in terms of the variables x and y, just pick any two values of x, solve for y and the results will be the coordinates of two solutions.

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The variables of this equation are your letters: a, b, and c. Variables merely stand in an equation to represent values that we don't know. "Solving" an equation is the process by which we uncover those values. In this particular case, since there are three variables, we cannot discover their values unless we have two other equivalent equations (a system of equations).

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It's a single linear equation in two variables. The graph of the equation is a straight line; every point on the line is a set of values that satisfy the equation. In other words, there are an infinite number of pairs of (x,y) values that satisfy it. In order to figure out numerical values for 'x' and 'y', you would need another equation.

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