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A parenthesis is used for a number which is an 'end' of an inequality but is not itself included. For example, if the inequality reads "x>3", there is an opening parenthesis on the hash-mark labelled '3', and the number line is shaded to the right. If the number IS included a bracket is used. So for -3 is less than or equal to x but less than 3, there is a [ on -3, and a ) on the 3, and the number line is shaded between -3 and 3.

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Q: How do you determine whether a parenthesis or a square bracket is used when graphing an inequality on a number line?
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What is the symbol above 9 called?

Assuming you're talking about the ( symbol... That's a bracket, or parenthesis.

What is the long division bracket called?

The symbol separating the dividend from the divisor in a long division that is drawn as a right parenthesis (or sometimes a straight vertical bar) with an attached vinculum extending to the right seems to have no established name of its own. It can therefore simply be termed the "long division symbol," or sometimes the division bracket.

What is the formula to determine the standard deviation of the resulting normal distribution when adding two normal distributions with different means and standard deviations?

s= bracket n over sigma i (xi-x-)^2 all over n-1 closed bracket ^ 1/2

X plus X equals X What does X equal if it is not 0 or infinity?

X = (-infinity, 0) U (0, infinity) The above is read as X equals negative infinity, comma zero, union, zero, comma infinity on an open interval (By the way, this interval is made up of two intervals). A parenthesis by a value indicates it is not included. This means X could equal anything between -infinity and 0 and X can equal anything between 0 and infinity. X can not equal -infinity. X can not equal 0. X can not equal infinity. The interval is open because none of the starting or ending values can be a value of X (It's a parenthesis by all the starting and ending values). There is a parenthesis by 0 because 0 is not a possible value of X (the question says so). There is a parenthesis by -infinity and infinity because they are not real numbers. So whether either of them is included in the answer, they always have a parenthesis by them. If a number was included in an interval, there would be a square bracket by it, like this: [ or ]. If the starting number and the ending number on the interval is included then the interval is closed.

What is the answer to 'open bracket' x-2 'close bracket' 'open bracket' x plus 2 'close bracket'?

(x-2)(x+2)= x2+2x-2x-4= x2-4

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What is the symbol above 9 called?

Assuming you're talking about the ( symbol... That's a bracket, or parenthesis.

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You can remove parenthesis or bracket by multiplying the number outside, with the number inside the bracket.

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the [ and ] brackets are for if you need an equation like [(9+1)+5] so if you need parenthesis in another parenthesis that is what its for and so is { and }

What is parenthesis?

Parenthesis can refer to a type of punctuation consisting of an open and closed bracket. It also refers to an added clause or word in a passage that is not grammatically necessary but adds meaning.

What is an angle bracket?

An angle bracket is either of a set of brackets, ? and ?, used to enclose text, or one of the inequality signs, < or >, when used as brackets, such as in HTML.

How do you spell the word and definition The math term parenthasies?

The word meaning "bracket" is spelt parenthesis. Its plural is parentheses.

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[2,7] the bracket means inclusive but if it said exclusive it would have parenthesis replacing the brackets.

What is a closing bracket?

A closing bracket is a punctuation symbol used to mark the end of a specific type of grouping, such as parentheses, braces, or brackets. It is used to indicate the completion of a particular section or block of text within a written document.

How do you solve equations on a TI-83 graphing calculator?

2nd [CATALOG], solve( , enter equation, variable and guess after the bracket, close brackets with " ) ". You can also put lower and upper bounds after the guess.

How do you write an inequality?

Inequalities are similar to equations, you have to solve for a variable (X, Y, Z , A, B, etc...), the main difference is that with an equation you are solving for only one value (X=3, Z=4, A=-9, etc) with an inequality you are solving for a range of numbers, that means that you variable can be a number greater than, less than, greater or equal than to, less or equal than to...For Example: If X > 3 (X is greater than 3) , X can be any value from 3.1, 3.2, 5, 7, 900, 1000 and so on.Let's remember the symbols for inequalitiesGreater than >Less than

What is the long division bracket called?

The symbol separating the dividend from the divisor in a long division that is drawn as a right parenthesis (or sometimes a straight vertical bar) with an attached vinculum extending to the right seems to have no established name of its own. It can therefore simply be termed the "long division symbol," or sometimes the division bracket.