To divide 0.025 by 1000, you can simply move the decimal point three places to the left in both the numerator and the denominator. This will result in 0.000025. Another way to think about it is to divide 0.025 by 1000, which is equivalent to dividing 0.025 by 10 and then by 100. This will also give you the answer of 0.000025.
Well, darling, .0025 is the decimal representation of the fraction 1/400. So, if you've got 400 of something, you've got one whole unit. But if you only have .0025 of something, well, let's just say you might need a magnifying glass to see it.
0025 = 25 = 25/1 as a fraction.
divide by 1000
550000, to convert any amount of grams to milligrams, multiply by 1000. 1g = 1000mg.
I'm guessing that you are missing a decimal point somewhere; so I will give you several answers depending upon where the decimal point should have been. 0025 = 25/1 .0025 = 25/10000 0.025 = 25/1000 00.25 = 25/100 002.5 = 25/10 0025. = 25/1
Well, darling, .0025 is the decimal representation of the fraction 1/400. So, if you've got 400 of something, you've got one whole unit. But if you only have .0025 of something, well, let's just say you might need a magnifying glass to see it.
You divide the number of meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.You divide the number of meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.You divide the number of meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.You divide the number of meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.
Just divide the meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.Just divide the meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.Just divide the meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.Just divide the meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.
0025 = 25 = 25/1 as a fraction.
1,000mg/1g=25,000mg/25g 25,000!
there are 1000 milliliters in one liter, so you must divide by 1000
You divide by 1000. Kilogram = 1000 gram; the prefix "kilo" means thousand.You divide by 1000. Kilogram = 1000 gram; the prefix "kilo" means thousand.You divide by 1000. Kilogram = 1000 gram; the prefix "kilo" means thousand.You divide by 1000. Kilogram = 1000 gram; the prefix "kilo" means thousand.
You divide the number of milliliters by 1000, since milli means 1/1000.