how to divide long division is pretty easy. the first thing you do is you move the decimal in the left to the end, how many spaces you moved that decimal you will do the same as to the number in the right. now you put the decimal point on the top. now you will start dividing. for example: 4.0 divided by 12.0 move the decimal point of 4.0 so your answer would be 40. (always move your decimal point all the way to the end) now that you have moved the decimal point of 4.0 now move the decimal point of 12.0, scince you moved 4.0 one space then you move 12.0 one space, which will give you 120. scince you have your numbers and they're no numbers after either of them you take out the decimal points. so now your answers will be 40 divided by 120. scince they're two zeros add a zero to the top. now divide 4 and 12. 4 goes into 12 three times, so now you have found your answer! its 3! thankyou for your conciderance! if you guys need any more help email me at: i know a lot! im in Harvard i suppose why.
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Use the method of long division.
It is exactly 34 by using long division
Using long division, divide the numerator by the denominator.
Exactly as you might divide any other pair of numbers. Long division, short division, and calculators are among several effective methods.