The question makes no sense, as I've never heard of a "math" as a monetary unit.
To convert from, say, US Dollars to Euros, you simply multiply by whatever the current conversion factor is.
it depends on what you're converting. fractions to decimals, decimals to fractions, etc. there are so many different ways. what are you converting? then maybe i can help
A math teacher or a mathematician.
150,000,000 Euros
37.50 euros
one million euros
Converting Dollars to Euros.
1000 pounds
The best app to use for converting euros to dollar is XE Currency. The app gives you the ability to convert any currency available in the world to another, and can be downloaded for free.
it depends on what you are talking about converting. There are several web sites that do conversions; for example, if you are converting between dollars and euros or pounds; or if you are converting between pounds and kilos.
15.4331 United States dollars. Also, visit for more of converting currencies.
On the Land Rover website it said it was $49,750 US Converting that to Euro; it is €37,747.
it depends on what you're converting. fractions to decimals, decimals to fractions, etc. there are so many different ways. what are you converting? then maybe i can help
A math teacher or a mathematician.
Generally drafting uses simple math, addition, subtraction, mulitplication, division, for calculating various dimensions. Math is also used for converting dimensions.
One can get examples of converting between fraction and decimals by asking a teacher or going to their local library and checking out math books. One may also find them online on sites such as Math is Fun.
You can learn more about converting decimals into fractions by taking math classes. You can also learn more about converting decimals into fractions on various websites like MathisFun and WebMath.
You need to multiply PSI by 6894.75729, which gives 8,273,708.75 pascals