In order to get three prime numbers to add up to an even number, one of them will have to be even. The only even prime number is 2.144 - 2 = 142.You need to find 2 prime numbers that can add up to 142. 71 is prime and added to itself will be 142, but that won't give you three different prime numbers.Use a list of prime numbers and subtract each prime that is greater than 71 (fewer than primes less than 71) from 142 to see if the difference is another prime:142 - 73 = 69 (not prime)142 - 79 = 63 (not prime)142 - 83 = 59 (prime)142 - 89 = 53 (prime)142 - 97 = 45 (not prime)142 - 101 = 41 (prime)142 - 103 = 39 (not prime)142 - 107 = 35 (not prime)142 - 109 = 33 (not prime)142 - 113 = 29 (prime)142 - 127 = 15 (not prime)142 - 131 = 11 (prime)142 - 137 = 5 (prime)142 - 139 = 3 (prime)You end up with 7 sets of 3 prime numbers that add up to 144:2, 59, 832, 53, 892, 41, 1012, 29, 1132, 11, 1312, 5, 1372, 3, 139
25 is a composite because it is also divisible by 5. As soon as you see that '5' on the end, you know it's a multiple of 5, regardless of what came before the '5'.Since it has at least one more factor in addition to '1' and itself, it's not a prime number.It is composite.
a prime #
Other than 2, no prime numbers are even. So prime numbers can't end in even numbers. After 5, no prime number can end in 5. After 5, all prime numbers end in 1, 3, 7 or 9.
BBC Prime ended in 2009.
Prime HD ended in 2010.
Prime Network ended in 1997.
Prime Airlines ended in 2002.
Prime Sports ended in 1993.
Opes Prime ended in 2008.
No. If they end in 4, they are even numbers and divisible by 2, and therefore are not prime.
After 5, all prime numbers end with 1, 3, 7 or 9.
no because it has an "odd" number at the end of it. if it had a 2, 4, 6 ,8 at the end. then it would be prime