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2.2 cents

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Q: How do you enter two point two cents in decimals?
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Related questions

How do you write money as a decimal in terms of dollar?

You write the dollars to the left of the decimal point; and the cents to the right, using two decimals.

What are two methods for determining the placement of the decimal point in the product?

When you multiply decimals, the decimal point is placed in the product.

How do you spell in words numers of decimals?

For example 2.67 two point sixty-seven

How do you know if two decimals are equivilant?

Two decimals are equivalent only if everything from the decimal point to the last non-zero digit is the same in both of them. Additional zeros after that don't matter.

What is the difference between 0.002 dollars and 0.002 cents?

$2.00 2 dollars, or two-hundred cents. $0.02 Point zero-two dollars, or two cents. $0.002 (0.002 dollars) Point zero-zero-two dollars. This has a value of 1/5 of a penny. ---------- 2.00¢ (=0.02 dollars) Two cents (with a redundant .00 for demonstration purposes). 0.2¢ (=0.002 dollars) Point-two cents, so 5 of these would make up one whole cent. 0.02¢ (=0.0002 dollars) Point-zero-two cents, so 50 of these would make up one whole cent. 0.002¢ (=0.00002 dollars) Point-zero-zero-two cents, so 500 of these would be required to make up one single cent.

Decimals as Percents?

Move the decimal point two positions to the right and add a percentage sign.

How do you say 7 and 92 hundredths in decimals?

7.92 Seven and ninety-two hundredths Seven point nine two

What are two equivalent decimals?

what are two other decimals equivalent to 2.2 ?

What is percents into decimals?

to do this, just drop the percent sign, the move the decimal point two places to the right.

How do I place the decimal point in the product of two decimals?

If the two decimal numbers have x and y digits after the decimal points, then the product has (x + y) digits after the decimal point.

What is a percent of a dollar?

A quarter is 25% of a dollar. a quarter is 25 cents out of a dollar, and a dollar is 100 cents. Therefore a quarter is 25 cents/100 cents. This fraction simplifies to 1/4. To transform a fraction into a decimal, you have to divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number). One divided by four is 0.25. Decimals can be turned into percents simply by multiplying them by 100, or moving the decimal point two places to the right. This brings us to our answer, 25%.

When is the difference of two decimals an integer?

When the fractional parts of the two decimals (the bits to the right of the decimal point) are equivalent.