Using a decimal, of course. All you need do is move the decimal point two places to the right.
using a thermometer u can measure accurately at 1 decimal place
To divide 1.73 by 519 using decimals, you first set up the division problem as follows: 1.73 ÷ 519. To divide, you move the decimal point in the dividend (1.73) to make it a whole number, which becomes 173. Then, perform the division as you would with whole numbers. The quotient is 0.00333 (rounded to five decimal places).
if you r using division to write a fraction as a decimal how do u know when to stop dividing
Yes, pi is known with very high accuracy (to thousands of decimal digits). However, it is not possible to express it precisley using any finite number of decimal digits.
to express yourself in least amount of words or to express in few words
This means that you should write your answer using fractional notation as opposed to decimal notation. For example, you would write 1/4 instead of .25 .
(adj.) - using few words; brief, concise To be laconic is to give terse or short statements.
6.03 IS expressed using decimal form!
Rounded up, 20 of 58 could be expressed as 35 percent, or, using decimal places: 34.48%.
Using a decimal, of course. All you need do is move the decimal point two places to the right.
you take your number and move it 2 places to the left(making it a decimal), multiply by 360 and after you've found your product move the decimal poitn the amount of places needed.
Scientific Notation is expressed by using a number, using an exponent as a number (usually a decimal) multiplied by a 10, and an exponent (the number on the exponent is the number of zeros the number has).Example: 120,000,000 in scientific notation is 1.2 X 107