πab, where a and b are the lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes, respectively.
the formula for finding the area of an ellipse is add it then multiply and subtract that is the final
A sphere or an ellipse.
Many figures. For example, an ellipse.
The Answer Is 9.5
A rectangle is a possible candidate, as is an ellipse.
That depends on the figure. For example, for a circle, a 1:2 ellipse, and a 1:3 ellipse, you will get a different circumference for the same area.
You know the formula for the area of a circle of radius R. It is Pi*R2. But what about the formula for the area of an ellipse of semi-major axis of length A and semi-minor axis of length B? (These semi-major axes are half the lengths of, respectively, the largest and smallest diameters of the ellipse--- see Figure 1.) For example, the following is a standard equation for such an ellipse centered at the origin: (x2/A2) + (y2/B2) = 1. The area of such an ellipse is Area = Pi * A * B , a very natural generalization of the formula for a circle!
No. An area is always two-dimensional. It doesn't matter whether you are talking about the area of a square, a circle, an ellipse, or any other flat figure; or the surface are of a three-dimensional figure such as a cube or sphere.
An ellipse is a 2-dimensional figure and so the formula isVolume = 0.
An ellipse.
the formula for finding the area of an ellipse is add it then multiply and subtract that is the final
Not enough information. You need to know what sort of figure you are talking about - for example a rectangle, an ellipse, the surface of a rectangular block, etc.
If you mean a solid figure, something like a football, that's a prolate spheroid. If you're talking about a two-dimensional figure, the word is probably ellipse.
A sphere or an ellipse.
An ellipse.
An ellipse is 2-dimensional; it has no volume. The area of an ellipse is pi * A * B, where A and B are the lengths of its axes.